SEEK Wellness

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SEEK Wellness Services

Acutely aware that mental health and wellness are priorities during these socially distant times, the QC SEEK Program has developed Wellness Services to provide individual counseling, wellness workshops, and support groups for students.

Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 Hours of Operation- By appointment only

  • Monday/Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM

Note: Appointments will be available both virtually and in-person. Questions? Contact us at

Individual Wellness

Interested in accessing counseling services? Complete the form below and a member of the Wellness Team will follow-up with you via email with instructions on how to schedule an appointment. 

Wellness Workshops

Navigating life can be stressful (especially these days!). Join us for the SEEK Wellness when we host workshops that are designed to help you figure out ways to navigate relationships, build healthy communication skills, and cope with problems that are outside of your control.

For the Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 semester, our wellness workshops will take place on the following dates during free hour (12:15 – 1:30 PM)

SEEK Wellness Workshops (4 workshops)- 2 (in-person) 2 (Virtual)

Free Hour 12:15-1:30 PM

SEW #1- February 14th (Virtual- register)
SEW #2- March 6th (In-person)
SEW #3- March 27th (In-person)
SEW#4- April 10th (Virtual- register)

Weekly Wellness Support Group

Group Talk- Series (6 sessions)- (In-person only)

Free Hour 12:15-1:30 PM

Group #1- February 21stGroup #2- March 4thGroup #3- March 13thGroup #4- March 18thGroup #5- April 1stGroup #6- April 17th


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Wellness Team

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Maryanne Chester

SEEK Counseling

Gaslin Osias


Ariel Kroytoro


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About Ariel

Ariel is a first-year graduate student pursuing the Master of Social Work program at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College. She holds an undergraduate degree in sociology from SUNY New Paltz. Ariel was born and raised in Israel and subsequently raised on Long Island since the age of eight. As a dedicated wellness and social work intern, Ariel holds a profound passion for aiding individuals grappling with mental health challenges, anxiety and depression, and has a deeper specialization providing compassionate support to individuals navigating loss and grief. Her approach is anchored in the belief that everyone deserves a safe, non-judgmental space to navigate their emotions and rekindle a sense of hope. With a foundation built on empathy and clinical insight, Ariel aspires to make a positive, enduring impact in the lives of those she serves.

Samantha Robinson


About Samantha

Sam (she/her) is a first-year graduate student pursuing her master’s degree in social work at Silberman school of social work at Hunter College. She is a graduate of American University in Washington, DC with her bachelor’s in psychology and a minor in education. She is from Boston, MA and currently resides in Queens. Sam is interested in working with youth and young adults in underserved communities. She believes that cultivating productive and effective coping strategies for life’s challenges is the key to living an enriching, happy life. Her goal is to work with young people to develop the skills to do so. She loves baking, journaling and creatively named Spotify playlists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few examples of situations/issues when counseling can be helpful:

  • Stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
  • Conflict with family (responsibilities at home, saying no to parents, etc.)
  • Conflict with friends or difficulty making friends
  • Romantic relationships (conflict with a partner, how to navigate dating or sex, etc.)
  • Academic concerns (stress, time management, etc.)
  • Self-care (e.g., sleep, exercise, negative thinking, etc.)
  • Coping with the pandemic
  • Concerns/questions related to race, gender, immigration status, socioeconomic status, etc.
  • Wanting a space to vent and figure things out
  • Not having other adults in your life who can help or whom you can talk to freely


Counseling or therapy is a private and confidential space for you to discuss anything that’s on your mind or that you’re struggling with. Your Wellness Counselor is not an authority figure or an expert. They are there to listen to you and offer suggestions, but you will take the lead. You both will work together to come up with solutions that suit you best. Counseling involves change and growth and therefore, it requires effort and can often feel uncomfortable. However, it should also ultimately make it easier to face your challenges and help you feel better. Your Wellness Counselor should make you feel comfortable, safe, and not judged for anything. 

You don’t have to be struggling a lot or have a really big problem to seek counseling. Depending on what you’re dealing with and how much support you would like, you and your counselor can meet once a week, or more often if required. After your first appointment, you can decide if you would like to continue counseling.

This process can help you with:

  • managing stress
  • processing emotions
  • problem-solving
  • decision-making
  • goal-setting
  • changing habits or patterns
  • or simply having someone to talk to


At times, you may want to see someone more immediately to talk about something that’s happened or you may be on the fence about making an appointment. These drop-in hours are a space where you can sign on via Zoom and have a one-on-one, 20-minute conversation with a member of the Wellness Team. It’s quick, it’s confidential, and it gives you a chance to see what counseling might be like! 

This is on a first-come, first-served basis. There may be a wait to be let into the Zoom room if the Wellness Counselor is already speaking with someone else. In that case, you will have to patiently wait in the virtual waiting room and we will see you as soon as we can! Please note that drop-in hours are not a substitute for counseling and this service is not appropriate for emergency situations.


You can access the Crisis Text Line which is a free, 24/7 support for those in crisis. Text CUNY to 741741 from anywhere in the US to text with a trained Crisis Counselor.

Click HERE for more details on how it works & other frequently asked questions


Check out these mental health resources!

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