Sucess Workshop

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Academic Success Program at Queens College, SEEK (Search for Education Elevation and Knowledge)

I. History of Undergraduate Scholastic Standing Committee in SEEK Program:

The SEEK Committee on Scholastic Standing (SCSS) was established in the early 1970’s “for the express purpose of ensuring that students
(a) progress successfully toward a degree, and
(b) maintain compliance with SEEK and college requirements.

It monitored students’ progress from semester to semester and communicated with any student who may be in jeopardy, i.e., facing probation or academic dismissal.

It provided students with written information on policies and procedures for appeals in a variety of circumstances. These included, but were not limited to

  • leaves of absence,
  • withdrawals from classes,
  • applications for part-time status,
  • permits to take classes at other institutions,
  • transfers out of the college,
  • re-entering the college
  • and ‘special request’ of a general nature’” (SEEK Freshman Handbook 2008)

Throughout the years many policies and procedures have adjusted or changed; even our (SCSS) was renamed in the early 2000’s to Academic Success Program. However, our mission and character remain true to the initial mission of the SEEK Program at Queens College.

II. SEEK Academic Success Program overview

The SEEK Academic Success Program is a collaborative effort between counselors, faculty, and mentors designed to support at-risk and probation students. Having worked with students for 56 years, we understand that it takes more than just studying to pull ourselves out of probation. Like all other support services SEEK offers, this program empowers students to take active control of their work.

The program is holistic. Students in the Academic Success Program are supported academically, through a combination of workshops and guided tutoring, and personally, through regular check-ins with their counselor and SEEK wellness interns. Through this collaborative effort, the Academic Success Program both helps students bring themselves into satisfactory academic progress and prepares them for greater success throughout their college career.

Academic Success students meet regularly throughout the semester for workshops that keep students in charge of their work. Academic Success Program covers a number of skills:

  • Time Management
  • Mental Health
  • Motivation
  • Study Skills
  • Program Planning

In line with SEEK’s vision of empowering students to advocate for themselves, students additionally meet with representatives of Financial Aid and the Office of Student Advocacy and Appeals. These sessions demystify academic probation and its many moving parts so they may better manage their work. Workshops are held in-person during free hours and through a ZOOM session, as necessary.

Academic success is more than just studying more. SEEK recognizes that issues beyond the classroom play a critical role in their ability to succeed. As part of the program, students meet regularly with counselors in SEEK and with SEEK wellness interns to check in on their progress throughout the semester. These are monthly appointments that explore issues outside the classroom that impact a student’s work. Wellness interns work collaboratively with SEEK counselors to find solutions to these issues.
Appointments can be made in

Wellness email:

III. What does it mean to be on academic probation?

Your grades are not showing good academic progress. You are not meeting retention standards; the college will evaluate your academic GPA performance closely at the end of the semester.

Link retention standards:

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IV. What are Queens College expectations of students on academic probation:

  1. Students are limited as to how many credits they can take for the semester; they can only register for up to 13 credits for the semester.
  2. At the end of the probation semester, the student must attain a minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) of 2.25. The college is evaluating your performance for that semester, not the overall performance.
  3. The college will dismiss students that do not meet the standards in the spring semester.

Probation in Fall Link: 

Probation in spring link:

V. How can you help yourself?

  • Before the semester starts meet with Academic Success Program counselor.
  • Complete an assesment survey for us to understand your reasons for being on probation.
  • Your counselor in the SEEK Program will help you create an academic plan of action for the semester.
  • Attend the 7 Academic Success Program workshops.
  • The academic program manager will assist you in getting to tutor for the semester set-up.
  • Wellness graduate students are here to listen and support your overall wellbeing.

VI. Will you lose your financial aid?

Your academic performance is connected to your financial eligibility. You will need to meet with your counselor in the SEEK Program and a financial aid officer to determine your eligibility based on your probation status (no two students are the same).  
