

SEEK Learning Center (SLC)

Dr. Cicely Rodway

Learning Center Advisor

(@QC SEEK since 1983)

Tara Boodoo

Yvonne Chen

SEEK Writing Center (SWC)

Professor Ashraf Shahriar

Writing Center Specialist

(@QC SEEK since Fall 2013)

Writing Center Consultants

Professor Saditur Reza, Senior Consultant

Professor Magen Martinez

Matheus Oliveira

Cathelyne Yacinthe

 SEEK Computer Laboratory and IT (SCLIT)

Michael Robinson

Computer Lab Specialist

(@QC SEEK since 2001)

 SEEK Computer Laboratory and IT (SCLIT)

Jack Chin

Computer Lab Assistant Specialist

(@QC SEEK since Fall 2008)

 SEEK Computer Laboratory and IT (SCLIT)

Shehan Fernando


(@QC SEEK since Fall 2015)