The SEEK Committee on Scholastic Standing (SCSS) was established in the early 1970’s “for the express purpose of ensuring that students
(a) progress successfully toward a degree, and
(b) maintain compliance with SEEK and college requirements.
It monitored students’ progress from semester to semester and communicated with any student who may be in jeopardy, i.e., facing probation or academic dismissal.
It provided students with written information on policies and procedures for appeals in a variety of circumstances. These included, but were not limited to
- leaves of absence,
- withdrawals from classes,
- applications for part-time status,
- permits to take classes at other institutions,
- transfers out of the college,
- re-entering the college
- and ‘special request’ of a general nature’” (SEEK Freshman Handbook 2008)
Throughout the years many policies and procedures have adjusted or changed; even our (SCSS) was renamed in the early 2000’s to Academic Success Program. However, our mission and character remain true to the initial mission of the SEEK Program at Queens College.